Fall 2018:

  • Math 55A: Algebra
  • Econ 1011A: Microeconomic Theory I
  • Stat 210 (G): Probability I

Spring 2019:

  • Econ 1152: Big Data in Economics
  • Math 55B: Analysis and Topology
  • Stat 212 (G): Probability II
  • CS 181: Machine Learning
  • 6.853 (G): Introduction to Algorithmic Game Theory (final project: report)

Fall 2019:

  • CS 61: Systems
  • CS 223 (G): Probability and Algorithms (final project: report)
  • Stat 211 (G): Inference I
  • Math 114: Measure Theory

Spring 2020:

  • CS 229R (G): Essential Coding Theory
  • CS 228 (G): Computational Learning Theory report
  • Ling 190: Introduction to Computational Linguistics (final project: report)
  • Math 243 (G): Evolutionary Dynamics

Fall 2020:

  • CS 229R (G): Spectral Graph Theory in Computer Science (final project: report, slides)
  • CS 222 (G): Algorithms at the End of the Wire
  • Stat 236 (G): Statistical Machine Learning (final project: report, slides)
  • Math 278y (G): Introduction to Spinglasses
  • 6.438 (G): Algorithms and Inference

Spring 2021:

  • 18.408 (G): Algorithms in Deep Learning (final project: report)
  • CS 229BR (G): Theory of Deep Learning (final project: report)
  • Math 229 (G): Analytic Number Theory (final project: report)
  • CS 221 (G): Complexity Theory (final project: report, slides)
  • Stat 213 (G): Inference II (final project: slides)